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Most men who are diagnosed with breast cancer will undergo mastectomy to remove all breast tissue and sometimes the nipple.
While breast reconstruction is not common in men, it is important to talk to your surgeon about the options. Sometimes it is possible to improve the look of the chest area with further surgery.
The main types are:
Some men may consider pectoral implants. Under Medicare this is a cosmetic procedure, so there is no rebate on the cost of surgery.
Nipple reconstruction surgery may be an option if your nipple and the skin around the nipple (‘areola’) were removed.
If you prefer not to have further surgery, a nipple and areola tattoo can be performed by itself. You can also opt for a special stick-on nipple prosthesis which stays in place for a few days. See Nipple tattoos and adhesive nipples.
*This article does not provide medical advice and is intended for informational purposes only.
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