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It is safe to fly with a removable breast prosthesis inside your bra. You can wear it through airport security, but it will show up in a body scanner.
The rules about liquids, gels and aerosols don't apply to silicone or gel prostheses.
If you wear a breast prosthesis, staff should:
They should not ask you to:
You have the right to ask to be screened in a private area and by a female security officer.
The government’s rules are available on the TravelSecure website.
In case airport staff ask you about your prosthesis, you may wish to:
If you are unhappy about your treatment during security screening, you can complain. For information, go to TravelSecure contact details.
*This article does not provide medical advice and is intended for informational purposes only.
Please consult a medical professional or healthcare provider if you're seeking medical advice, diagnoses, or treatment.
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