The length of time you stay in hospital will depend on the procedures you have and how well you recover.
The following suggestions have been made by people who have had breast surgery and may make your stay a little more comfortable.
Initially I found it best to stay in hospital gowns to allow easy access to drains, but thereafter every morning I showered, changed into a comfortable tracksuit, put on my makeup, walked the halls and then rested on the bed or in a chair.
Some practical tips to help with your hospital stay include:
The women’s service organisation Zonta provides free cushions that are specially made to tuck under your arm. They help ease the pressure and discomfort of any drain tubes on your chest and axilla (underarm) or from your arm leaning against your chest/axilla. They can also be useful in protecting your chest from the pressure of a seat belt when you are in the car following surgery.
In some places, local organisations such as the Country Women’s Association (CWA) also make these cushions.
Your breast care nurse might provide a cushion for you or you can visit Zonta's website or phone BCNA on 1800 500 258.
I received a Zonta cushion from the hospital which was amazing. If one isn’t available, a soft cushion to put under your arm makes you more comfortable, especially when trying to sleep after surgery.
Visitors can be wonderful when you’re in hospital and when you go home but it’s a good idea to ask them when they plan to arrive (and leave). You may also need to explain that people tire easily when they’re recovering from surgery - even if they look fine.
You may need some quiet time as you come to terms with the physical and psychological impact of your diagnosis and surgery. Some people prefer to restrict their visitors to family and close friends during their hospital stay.
Remember that you need to look after yourself at this time. Don’t feel obliged to accept more visitors than you can handle out of politeness. It’s okay to ask friends to wait until you’re ready for visitors.
Have visitors make an appointment. That way you can enjoy each one separately without awkwardness, plus you know who is coming when.
How long you stay in hospital will depend on a number of factors, though it’s usually only a few days or less. Sometimes, breast cancer surgery is day surgery.
If you have had an axillary dissection or mastectomy, you may go home with drain tubes in place. These are put in during your surgery to drain blood or fluid that would otherwise build up under your wound. The drain tubes are connected to a small bottle which usually has a low vacuum to help draw the fluid out of your wound, or sometimes a bag. The amount of fluid gradually decreases over a few days and, when there’s little being collected, the tubes are removed.
You may be referred to your local district nursing service or ‘hospital in the home’ service who will visit you each day to check the drain tube and wound dressings. When the drainage amount over a 24 hour period is low enough, as per the instructions of your surgeon, your drain tubes will be removed.
Before you leave hospital, make sure you understand how to take care of yourself after your surgery and what to do if you have any concerns or problems and the details of whom you can contact.
Here are some things to consider when planning your return home.
Take the time to ease back into your home life.
If your drain tubes are still in place make sure you know how to manage them. This might include changing the bottle or bag, or measuring the drainage amount. It is important that you know who to contact if you need help, day or night, before you leave hospital.
If you live with your family, make sure they understand that you need to rest. You might want to have jobs planned for them to do.
Accept offers of help with driving. The usual recommendation is that you don’t drive for 2–3 weeks after mastectomy or axillary dissection surgery to the armpit. Talk to your surgeon to find out what the best advice is for you.
Be sure to ask your family and friends for the help you need.
You may find it hard to accept offers of help but remember that this is a way for others to show they care about you. It can also take the pressure off you and your family for a while.
You can suggest that friends or family download BCNA's Helping a friend or colleague with breast cancer booklet for some useful tips and advice.
Before you leave hospital, a physiotherapist or your breast care nurse will give you some arm and shoulder exercises to do, with instructions on how to do them and how often. It is important to do these exercises as instructed because they will help to restore normal movement in your arm. BCNA’s Strengthen Your Recovery Pilates exercise program, is a series of four videos that have been designed specifically to provide information and exercises for the 10 weeks following surgery.
For more information, read: Exercise after breast surgery.
I had a cosy pair of PJs for night sleeping. Also an iPod for my favourite music and podcasts, and a notebook for thoughts (and those questions that build up).
After surgery it’s normal for there to be some numbness in the armpit, the upper arm and the breast or chest wall, and there’s often some swelling.
As the nerves begin to repair, it’s also normal to experience odd and uncomfortable sensations, often described as tingling or a feeling that the skin is sunburnt or grazed.
These sensations can occur in the breast or chest wall, armpit, upper arm and upper back.The swelling and odd sensations usually settle down during the weeks or months after surgery.
Discuss your symptoms with your surgeon or breast care nurse at each visit, especially if they don’t go away or get worse.
Wearing your Berlei bra or a soft bra with wide straps and no underwire can also help you to feel more comfortable.
A collection of fluid ( seroma) is quite common after breast surgery. It can occur:
In most cases this fluid will be slowly absorbed by the body over time. However, if it’s very uncomfortable, your surgeon, a breast care nurse, another health professional in the clinic or your GP can drain the fluid using a fine needle and a syringe. This is not usually a painful procedure.
In rare situations a seroma can keep re-accumulating over many months and need to be drained several times.
One strategy to try and keep seroma fluid from re-accumulating is to apply pressure on your chest (such as by wearing your prosthesis in your bra) or if you don’t yet have a prosthesis, putting padding in your bra to keep light pressure on the area. Your breast care nurse or surgeon will be able to offer suggestions about ways to apply effective pressure.
Sometimes your treating team may even consider applying a pressure dressing and will explain to you how to manage it. Very rarely, if the seroma doesn’t resolve, you may have to have another operation where your surgeon will put in a new drain tube.
For more information, read the article on seromas.
Cording, sometimes called axillary web syndrome (AWS), is the name given to the development of tender vertical cords in the armpit (axilla).
These cords can develop anywhere from a few days to a few weeks after lymph node surgery, although there have been individual cases where they appeared many months later. Scar tissue from surgery to the chest area can also contribute to cording.
If you develop cording, you might see and/or feel a web of rope-like structures under the skin, or feel a pulling sensation in your inner arm, down to the elbow or even to the wrist. For most people cording resolves within around six to eight weeks.
Continuing with a range of moving and stretching exercises is the best way to resolve cording and stop the pain that it can cause. A warm (not hot) pack on the area may help to reduce the discomfort along with the use of pain-relieving medications. Occasionally, ultrasound is used to help ‘stretch’ the cords and reduce the pulling sensation.
Your breast care nurse may be able to teach you some massage techniques to help relieve the cording or a referral to a physiotherapist is sometimes needed to manage it. Talk to a member of your treatment team if you have any pain or symptoms that are concerning you.
A GP Chronic Disease Management Plan will give you access to 5 Medicare-subsidised visits to an ancillary health professional such as a physiotherapist.
For more information, read the article on cording.
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