Cancer is a life-altering, stressful experience, and worries about money make it even more so.
If you or someone you love has just been diagnosed with breast cancer, you may feel overwhelmed. However, it is important at this time to get as much information as you can to help you make fully-informed decisions about your treatment. This includes the financial costs of your treatment. While Australia’s health care system provides good quality health care, many people find themselves out-of-pocket for the services they need.
Below are some suggestions that may help you deal with the financial stress of breast cancer. You will need to consider your own financial circumstances when making choices related to your care.
Read more about the advantages of choosing to have your care in either the public or private health systems.
Read more about your choices when it comes to who is on your medical team.
Talk to your workplace about your leave options. You may be able to come to an arrangement with your employer that will help you manage your leave.
BCNA has created a series of articles to help people in different employment situations with a breast cancer diagnosis, which you can find in our Work and Breast Cancer Hub:
Additionally, the Cancer Council has useful information for you if you are an employee, a casual worker, or self-employed, as well as information for your employer.
Read more about managing the financial impacts of breast cancer.
Read more about managing the financial impacts of breast cancer.
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