Clinical trials are scientific research studies that involve patients. They play an important role in finding new and better treatments, improving care, and even preventing diseases.
Often, clinical trials involve new drugs. They may also include a variety of treatments and therapies such as:
Your treating team is probably the best source of information for trials that may be relevant to you. Your doctor may suggest trials during your treatment discussions, even if you don’t ask.
You can also find breast cancer trials at:
Breast Cancer Trials Australia – they have run many clinical trials and have more than 800 researchers and clinicians in Australia and New Zealand.
Australian Clinical Trials – Australian government search for local breast cancer and other trials.
Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry – a global database of current and past trials.
ClinTrial Refer – an online search to find suitable clinical trials, mostly in Australia.
Victorian Clinical Trial Link (for people in Victoria only) – Cancer Council Victoria’s list of current trials in Victorian health centres.
Read About clinical trials so you understand eligibility, benefits, risks and more.
Make a list of questions about clinical trials and their possible benefits to discuss with your doctor.