After surgery with aesthetic flat closure, you will stay in hospital for a few days. Recovery when you stay flat is generally easier than after breast reconstruction.
Immediately after surgery you will:
The drain is there to take away any fluid ('seroma’) that builds up under the skin near the wound. Sometimes the fluid continues to build up, meaning that the drains will stay in for longer. Your breast surgeon or nurse usually tells you they'll remove the drain when the fluid reduces to a certain number of millilitres each day.
You’ll have medication to relieve pain. Pain levels can be different from person to person.
The physio will usually start with exercises to move your arms and shoulders. It's important to prevent lymphoedema and get back any strength you have lost.
Your surgeon may also tell you how and when you can safely increase activity.
Exercises before and after breast reconstruction has exercise videos developed by a physiotherapist.
Before you leave hospital, your treating team will give you instructions about:
The surgical area area can take up to 3 months to settle. You may have some issues with how the breast area looks or feels, such as:
Talk to your breast or plastic surgeon if you are not happy with anything after you have healed. They may be able to do minor surgery (a ‘revision’) to improve the appearance.
Some people feel tightness, tingling and numbness or shooting pain across their chest from the surgery. The feeling is sometimes referred to as ‘iron bra’ syndrome. It can last for months or even years after surgery.
Iron bra happens when nerves are damaged and scar tissue forms.
It is important to raise any concerns with your treating team. They can refer you to a physiotherapist for massage and exercises. These can be very helpful to:
For many people, the tightness reduces over time. Others adjust to some feeling of tightness across their chest.
Staying flat after a double (‘bilateral’) mastectomy means your body is symmetrical so you should not have any structural ('posture') problems.
After a single mastectomy, you will need some time to get used to the weight change on your chest. This can affect your posture but a physiotherapist can give you advice and exercises to:
You may experience a range of emotions after surgery. Support is available if you need it.
An external breast prosthesis, which you wear in your bra. This can be made from:
After surgery, the most important thing is to wear clothes you feel good in. Choose comfortable clothes in the colours, patterns and styles you like.
Some people need time to get used to their new appearance when they stay flat. Our members have shared tips to help while you are becoming comfortable with your new shape.