‘Cording’ is the term for rope-like cords that can develop after surgery to remove lymph nodes from the armpit. They appear under the skin of your inner arm and may be painful.
Cording can develop:
Cording may develop within a few days of surgery or a few weeks later. Sometimes it appears months later (‘late effect’).
Cords can be painful and feel tight, making it hard to lift your arm or extend your elbow fully. This can affect your ability to do your usual daily activities.
The condition is more common after axillary lymph node dissection (removal of many lymph nodes).
It’s less common in people who have had sentinel lymph node biopsy (removal of 1 to 3 lymph nodes).
If you develop symptoms of cording, speak to your doctor. They can refer you to a physiotherapist or an accredited lymphoedema therapist with experience in cording. Your breast care nurse may also be able to help you.
More research is needed to better understand why cording happens.
It is thought that surgery to the underarm and chest can lead to inflammation and scarring of the connective tissue. This connective tissue surrounds the lymph vessels, blood vessels and nerves. The connective tissue fibres can become hard, which causes cords to form.
Scar tissue from surgery to remove the breast cancer from the chest region can also contribute to cording.
Treatment focuses on releasing the tight scar tissue that makes up the cord or cords.
It is important to keep your arm and shoulder moving if you have cording to prevent further tightness and restriction in movement.
The physiotherapist or accredited lymphoedema therapist will develop a management plan. This may include:
Your doctor may prescribe pain medication if pain stops you moving your arm and shoulder. Anti-inflammatory medication such as ibuprofen may be recommended.
Cording usually gets better slowly over a few months. It is rare for cording to come back.
After your cording improves, it’s a good idea to continue your exercises. These keep your joints and tissue mobile.