Knowing what to ask your treating team can help you make the best decisions about your treatment and care based on your individual situation.
Below are suggested questions that other young women have told us are helpful to ask.
Questions to ask your surgeon about your situation
- What type of breast cancer do I have?
- Do I need any more tests?
- Who will be involved in discussions about my treatment?
- Who are the members of my treating team?
- Who can I contact if I have questions about my treatment?
- Can I bring a friend/family member to my appointments?
- Who should I contact in an emergency?
- How will information about my cancer and treatment be provided to my GP and any other doctors who treat me?
- What contraception can I use while I am having treatment?
- What impact will being pregnant have on the timing of my treatment?
- Who can I talk to about my family history of breast cancer?
- Who can I talk to about how I’m feeling?
- How will I know if I am anxious?
- How will I know if I am depressed?
- Can you suggest a support group that might help me?
Questions to ask about surgery
- What will surgery involve?
- What type of surgery is best for me?
- If I have a breast reconstruction, can it be done in the same operation as my breast surgery?
- How much will the surgery cost in the private system? How much in the public system? Do these figures include the anaesthetist’s fees?
Questions about breast reconstruction
- How much will breast reconstruction cost?
- What type of breast reconstruction do you recommend for me?
- If I decide to have a breast reconstruction later, how long will I have to wait?
- If I decide not to have a breast reconstruction now, can I change my mind later?
- Will having a reconstruction affect whether or not my cancer comes back?
- If I have a breast reconstruction, can it be done in the same operation as my breast surgery?
- If I have a breast reconstruction, how will it affect the timing or types of other treatment available to me?
- Do you specialise in breast reconstruction? If not, can you refer me to someone who does?
- How will my breast look and feel after breast reconstruction?
- Can you show me photographs of different breast reconstructions?
- Will radiotherapy affect whether I can have a breast reconstruction?
Questions about chemotherapy
- Will the chemotherapy recommended for me affect my ability to have children?
- How will chemotherapy benefit me?
- If I have chemotherapy, how will it be given and for how long?
- What exercises do you recommend while I’m having chemotherapy?
- Will I lose my hair and if so, does the recommended oncology centre offer scalp cooling?
Questions about hormone-blocking therapy
- Will taking hormone-blocking therapy affect my ability to have children?
- Which hormone-blocking therapies are suitable for me? Why?
- What are the risks and benefits from the hormone-blocking therapy you are recommending for me?
- How long will I need to take the hormone-blocking therapy you are recommending?
- What are the side effects of the hormone-blocking therapy you are recommending?
Questions about radiotherapy
- Is radiotherapy recommended for me?
- Where will I need to go for radiotherapy?
- Can I still work while I’m having radiotherapy?
- Can I still drive while I’m having radiotherapy?
- When will I have radiotherapy if I’m having other treatments for breast cancer?
- Will radiotherapy affect whether I can have a breast reconstruction?
- Will radiotherapy affect whether I can breastfeed?
Questions about fertility
- Will this treatment affect my ability to have children in the future?
- What fertility preservation options are available for me? Will they affect the chances of my cancer coming back?
- If treatment brings on early menopause, what does this mean for my health in the long-term?
- What contraception can I use while I am having treatment?