Knowing what to ask your treating team can help you to make the best decisions about your treatment and care based on your individual situation. Everyone's situation is different.
Below are suggested questions that others have told us are helpful to ask.
Questions to ask your surgeon about your situation
- What is DCIS? Where is it? (ask your doctor to draw it on a picture of the breast)
- What grade of DCIS do I have? What does that mean for me?
- What is the difference between DCIS and breast cancer?
- What is going to happen next?
- Can I bring a friend/family member to my appointments?
- Can I record our discussion so I can listen back to it later?
- Can you write down what you have told me?
- Can I get a written summary of the treatments you recommend I have?
- Will I need to travel for treatment?
- What tests do I need to determine the type and stage of the DCIS?
- What treatment approach do you recommend?
- What are the possible side effects or complications of this treatment?
- In general, how effective is this treatment in women with a similar diagnosis?
- Am I at risk of having DCIS again?
- Am I at risk of developing invasive breast cancer?
- How will I know if I develop invasive breast cancer or DCIS again?
- What will happen if I develop invasive breast cancer?
- How will you treat DCIS if it does return?
- How often will I need follow-up visits after I finish treatment?
- What lifestyle changes can help reduce my risk of DCIS coming back?
- Do I need a second opinion?
Questions to ask about your treating team
- Who are the members of my treating team?
- Who will be my main contact person?
- Who will be involved in discussions about my treatment?
- Who can I contact if I have questions about my treatment?
- Will I be supported by a breast care nurse?
- Who should I contact in an emergency?
- Can you refer me for a second opinion?
- Has my case been discussed by a multidisciplinary team?
Can you write down what you have told me?
- Can I get a written summary of the treatments you recommend I have?
- What impact will being pregnant have on the timing of my treatment?
- Will I need to travel for treatment?
- Can you give me a quote of what my out-of-pocket costs are likely to be?
- Can I have a copy of my pathology report? Can you explain my diagnosis and what the terms mean?
Questions to ask about surgery
- What type of surgery is best for me?
- What will surgery involve?
- Do you specialise in breast cancer surgery? If not, can you refer me to someone who specialises in breast cancer surgery?
- Are there any clinical trials that might be appropriate for me?
- Where will the scars be and what will they look like?
- Do I need surgery to my armpit?
- How long will the operation take?
- How long will I be in hospital?
- How long will I take to recover?
- What side effects could there be?
- Who should I contact if I develop side effects that are worrying me?
- How much will the surgery cost in the private system? How much in the public system? Do these figures include the anaesthetist’s fees?
- Do you charge any fees that are not covered by Medicare such as a booking fee?
Questions about breast reconstruction
- If I have a breast reconstruction, can it be done in the same operation as my breast surgery?
- If I decide to have a breast reconstruction later, how long will I have to wait?
- If I decide not to have a breast reconstruction now, can I change my mind later?
- If I have a breast reconstruction, how will it affect the timing or types of other treatment available to me?
- What type of breast reconstruction do you recommend for me?
- How much will breast reconstruction cost?
- Do you specialise in breast reconstruction? If not, can you refer me to someone who does?
- How will my breast look and feel after breast reconstruction?
- Can you show me photographs of different breast reconstructions?
- How safe are breast implants?
- Will I be able to breastfeed?
Questions you might like to ask about radiotherapy
- Will radiotherapy be recommended for me?
- Where will I need to go for radiotherapy?
- If I have to travel a long way for radiotherapy, can I get financial support for travel and accommodation costs?
- How long will radiotherapy last?
- What side effects can I expect? How can I manage them?
- What can I do to help care for my skin during radiotherapy?
- Who should I contact if I develop side effects that are worrying me?
- Can I still work while I’m having radiotherapy?
- Can I still drive while I’m having radiotherapy?
- Will radiotherapy affect whether I can have a breast reconstruction?
- Will radiotherapy affect whether I can breastfeed?
- How much will any treatment cost?
Questions about clinical trials
- Are there any clinical trials that might be appropriate for me?
- What is the purpose of the trial?
- What treatments or tests does the trial involve?
- What treatments or tests will I have if I do not join the trial?
- What are the advantages and disadvantages of joining the trial?
- What are the possible side effects of the treatments or tests I will have if I do not join the trial?
- What follow-up tests will I have if I join the trial?
- Can I leave the trial at any time?
- Are there any costs involved if I join the trial?
- Can I ask to see the results of the trial when they become available?