We recommend the following websites as reliable and safe places for information about breast cancer.
Breast Cancer Network Australia (BCNA): This website - bcna.org.au.
We are the peak national consumer organisation for Australians personally affected by breast cancer. We work to support, inform, represent and connect everyone in Australia affected by breast cancer.
Sign up to receive The Beacon, our free magazine about breast cancer, events, programs and important issues.
Breast cancer in men
From Cancer Australia, for men diagnosed with breast cancer.
Cancer Australia
Australia’s national cancer control agency. It works to reduce the impact of cancer and improve the wellbeing of those diagnosed.
Cancer Council Australia
Information for those affected by breast and other cancers. CCA also advises the Australian Government on the prevention, detection and treatment of cancers.
Cancer Hub
Services and support for families with children aged 0 to 25. The Hub brings together resources from Camp Quality, CanTeen and RedKite.
Support for young people aged 12–25 years who have been diagnosed with cancer or have a parent, caregiver or sibling diagnosed with cancer.
A resource from the Cancer Council to combat myths and misinformation about cancer.
Entry point for Australian government payments and services including. Find what you may be eligible for, based on your situation:
Options, rights and responsibilities for people diagnosed and their family members about:
From Flinders University.
Services in your local area:
A not-for-profit organisation that provides support and resources to people in Western Australia affected by breast cancer.
Westmead Breast Cancer Institute
Screening, treatment and information for women diagnosed with breast cancer. It is located at the Westmead Hospital (NSW).
BreastCancer.org (US): Information about breast cancer and the latest research.
Breast Cancer Care (UK): Information and support for those affected by breast cancer.
Dr Susan Love Research Fund (US): Undertakes and funds breast cancer research and provides information about breast cancer.
Facing Our Risk of Cancer Empowered (US): Information and resources for people affected by familial breast and ovarian cancers.
Macmillan Cancer Support (UK): A not-for-profit organisation dedicated to providing support to those affected by cancer.
Male Breast Cancer (Canada): Information for men diagnosed with breast cancer.
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Centre (US): One of the largest private cancer centres in the USA. Provides comprehensive and evidence-based information about the effects and effectiveness of herbs, botanicals, vitamins and supplements on breast cancer treatments.
Susan G. Komen (US): Breast cancer resources and programs, research and advocacy.
Young Survival Coalition (US): For young women who have been diagnosed with breast cancer.