Early breast cancer can be treated successfully. For most people, early breast cancer will not come back (‘recur’) after treatment.
Unfortunately, doctors cannot currently predict if, when, or where the cancer might return. No test can tell you for sure that the breast cancer won't return.
Tests on your tissue help doctors work out the likelihood breast cancer may come back. Sometimes breast cancer is found later in the same breast, and sometimes in other parts of the body.
This is general information based on experience with people who have had breast cancer.
Even if your breast cancer has one or more of these features, it does not mean that your breast cancer will definitely come back or spread.
The main features that increase the chance of breast cancer coming back or spreading are:
Always talk to your doctor about your own situation.
Cancers that are less likely to come back or spread have the following features:
Important: just because your cancer has these features, it does not mean the cancer may not come back or spread later on. You should follow the care plan your doctors set for you.
Our resources on fear of breast cancer recurrence include personal stories, podcasts and specialist advice: