Our Philanthropic and Major Gift program connects people who are committed to making a difference by supporting BCNA’s work.
Donations from individuals, philanthropic organisations, community and corporate partners make up over 80 per cent of our income.
Without this vital financial support, we could not continue to deliver free programs and services, and advocate for important improvements in the health system that benefit everyone affected by breast cancer.
We invite you to connect with BCNA through our Major Gifts program and help make a tangible difference to all Australians affected by breast cancer.
Case for Support 2024-25
To learn more, our Case for Support outlines our current priorities.
Our Impact Report showcases the difference we are making together with our donors.
Create Awareness
To help BCNA raise awareness of vital issues affecting those diagnosed with breast cancer. BCNA’s work often involves advocating for changes to be made to the health sector, such as establishing a national register for those people in our community diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer. By supporting this work financially, you are also helping to ensure these issues remain firmly on the agenda of governments and the health sector.
Establish Connections
To connect with a committed network of philanthropists who are already invested in BCNA’s future. BCNA is building a Major Gifts program for those in our community who are already supporting our work, as well as for new donors to come on board and be part of an engaged and passionate community of supporters.
Build Relationships
To strengthen your relationship with BCNA and become even more involved with the work of BCNA. For those who are already supporting BCNA, elevating your existing level of giving to be more closely aligned with the programs and services that are of most interest to you, is a way to become even more closely connected to BCNA.
Give Back
To help BCNA raise vital funds for our core programs and services. To enable BCNA to meet its long-term objective of being financially independent of government, and to ensure that all Australians diagnosed with breast cancer continue to receive the very best care, treatment and support.
Please register your interest and our friendly team will contact you.
There are many ways to get involved or show you support for our BCNA community. Here are just a few.