In our August 2023 Issues Paper, Making metastatic breast cancer count, BCNA used modelling to estimate that there are currently over 10,000 Australians living with metastatic breast cancer. We know that those living with metastatic breast cancer have significant and complex supportive care needs, which includes the areas of nutrition and exercise.
Although those who are diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer don’t require a specific diet, a healthy, nutritionally balanced diet and regular gentle exercise can help improve the way your body copes with side effects of treatment. It can also help maintain a sense of physical and mental wellbeing, improving your quality of life.
BCNA hosted a webcast: Food and movement when living with metastatic breast cancer on Wednesday 23 November, 2022.
In this webcast, we heard from exercise physiologist Dr Eva Zopf, dietitian Erynn Sotirelis, BCNA member Laura Yammouni and BCNA Consumer Representative Lisa Tobin.
Eva is the Head of the Cancer Exercise Lab at Cabrini Cancer Institute, Department of Medical Oncology at Cabrini Health. Her research focuses on the role of exercise in the management of cancer. Erynn is a clinical dietitian at the Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre within the Haematology, Breast and Sarcoma tumour streams and aims to assist patients in maintaining a great quality of life throughout their treatment with the use of nutrition.
Laura is a Continence and Women’s Health Physiotherapist with experience in musculoskeletal and sports conditions. She was diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer in 2020 and has managed her treatment side effects including fatigue, decreased exercise tolerance and menopause through exercise and manual therapy.
Lisa was diagnosed with early breast cancer in 2000 that had spread to her lymph glands, prompting her to have chemotherapy and radiation. Then, in 2012 she was diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer and, after finishing chemotherapy, she started Herceptin which will continue every three weeks for the rest of her life.
This webcast addressed the key benefits of nutrition and exercise to support overall health, wellbeing and improved quality of life in people living with metastatic breast cancer including managing fatigue, reducing nausea and practical tips and support available to you.
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