After their mum Emma’s second breast cancer diagnosis, Liam and his brothers formed “Em-bracing The Challenge” for Carman’s Fun Run 2025, rallying over 50 supporters.
Liam banded together with his brothers and rallied around their mum Emma in late 2024 following her second breast cancer diagnosis. “Breast cancer has challenged our family like nothing ever has,” Liam says. “My brothers and I wanted to do something to make a difference – albeit maybe small in the scale of things – but I stumbled across the Carman’s Fun Run online and could not think of a better way for our family to go about it.”
The family not only want to celebrate Emma, but support Breast Cancer Network Australia (BCNA) and all those with a breast cancer diagnosis around Australia. “We want to reflect the support BCNA have shown my beautiful mother, Emma, through her diagnosis and journey,” Liam says. “Mum has been fighting the good fight with breast cancer since her diagnosis in 2022, she personifies toughness and preaches gratitude, counting her blessings every single day despite being dealt a cruel hand.”
Emma found a lump in the shower and was subsequently diagnosed with HER2 positive inflammatory breast cancer. She underwent chemotherapy, a mastectomy, radiation and immunotherapy, then the family celebrated her remission in June 2023. However, in July 2024 two new tumours were detected. One was removed and the other treated with targeted therapy. Just prior to starting treatment, an MRI revealed Leptomeningeal metastases – where cancer cells have spread to the thin tissue layers covering the brain. While there is no cure, access to a very new targeted therapy is going well for Emma. She says the having the access to information and support has been “invaluable”.
“The care and information provided has been of the highest level and exceeded all expectations,” says Emma. “I feel so lucky to have access to the latest and greatest treatments available.”
At times, Emma says her treatment came with an overload of information. “When clarity was needed, the wonderful people at Cancer Council and BCNA have been an incredible resource,” she says. “A breast cancer diagnosis can be different for everyone, and BCNA provide information to help navigate your diagnosis with constant guidance and support.”
Liam says he hope their fundraising will allow BCNA to continue to provide exceptional care and guidance to all those diagnosed with breast cancer. “We get asked a lot when people hear about Mum’s situation, ‘what can we do to help?’,” he says. “Fundraising is a brilliant way for people to show their support, while helping BCNA to make a difference for women just like my mum.”
The Raymond’s support network means they have rallied 50+ people to sign up alongside them for Carman’s Fun Run 2025, and they’ve dubbed their team “Em-bracing The Challenge”. Some of the crew are tackling the half marathon and others have found the 5km walk more their speed.
While her breast cancer diagnosis and treatment has undeniably been tough, Liam says the family are grateful for the support they’ve received and are led by Emma’s optimistic attitude. “Mum continues to portray toughness in ways we could never imagine, while teaching us to choose gratitude and focus on the positives we see around us,” he says. “Life can’t be taken for granted; we are so grateful for the incredible support network around us.”
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