If you are diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer in the brain, it means that breast cancer cells have travelled from the original cancer in your breast to one or more areas in your brain.
You may be frightened to find out you have breast cancer in the brain. It can be helpful to know that treatment can be effective in slowing the growth of brain metastases and controlling symptoms.
Breast cancer cells sometimes spread through the bloodstream or lymph vessels to the brain or other parts of the body.
Metastatic breast cancer in the brain is still breast cancer and is treated with breast cancer treatments. It is not the same as having cancer that starts in the brain, which is often referred to as a brain tumour.
Breast cancer deposits in the brain are called brain metastases or brain secondaries.
It is less common, but cancer deposits can also occur in:
These are called meningeal carcinomatosis or leptomeningeal disease.
The signs of metastatic breast cancer in the brain vary, depending on which part of the brain is affected.
The most common symptoms are caused by increased pressure within the skull.
Tell your doctor immediately if:
Your doctor will examine you and decide which tests are needed to see if you have developed brain metastases.
Breast cancer that spreads to the brain can be treated but it cannot be cured.
Treatments for brain metastases are often very effective. They can stop the growth of cancer deposits in the brain or reduce their size.
For information on treatment, go to Treating metastatic breast cancer in the brain.
Metastatic breast cancer in the brain is part of our Hope and Hurdles resource. Hope and Hurdles includes a longer Information Guide about living with metastatic breast cancer. This can help you make informed decisions about your individual treatment, care and wellbeing.
Planning ahead can help you answer difficult questions. Use this guide to help you to think about, and discuss with others, your values, experiences and preferences. It can also provide a sense of relief when it is done, as you can then focus on living life fully.
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