In between when you woke up this morning and when you go to sleep tonight, 58 Australians will be told they have breast cancer. The same will happen tomorrow, and the next day too, making breast cancer the most common cancer affecting Australian women.
Breast Cancer Network Australia (BCNA) is Australia’s leading breast cancer consumer organisation. We have worked tirelessly to ensure that all Australians who are affected by breast cancer receive the very best care, treatment and support.
BCNA was born out of a small group of determined women who wanted to make the breast cancer journey better. When Lyn Swinburne founded BCNA her vision was for no one to feel alone through their experience of breast cancer. This year, that vision still remains our priority.
We have built a strong and resilient network that brings together over 175,000 individuals. Our role is to advocate for, connect, support and inform those affected by breast cancer. We work with the broader network to influence and create a stronger healthcare system.
At the heart of our network are those at risk, those diagnosed and their supporters.
BCNA’s Strategic Plan outlines our focus.
Represented by the Pink Lady silhouette – symbolic of BCNA’s focus on the people affected by breast cancer and all those around them, not the disease.
BCNA was born out of a small group of determined women who wanted to make the breast cancer journey better.
In 1998, Lyn Swinburne envisaged an organisation that would positively influence the way breast cancer was considered in the community. Her goal was for people to talk openly about the disease and acknowledge its enormous personal impact.
Following a public meeting in every state and territory, over 300 women came together to discuss issues affecting people with breast cancer. An action plan was developed and formed the inaugural Making a Difference report. The official launch of BCNA took place following this conference, at the inaugural Field of Women, a visual display of breast cancer statistics on the lawns of Parliament House in Canberra.
Lyn retired as CEO of BCNA in November 2011. Our current CEO is Kirsten Pilatti.
BCNA continues to work towards helping people affected by breast cancer access the best information, treatment, care and support.