The policy establishes BCNA’s commitment to the provision of a safe and protected process for reporting wrongdoing related to misconduct that may be an improper state of affairs or circumstances, or any other undesirable misconduct, along with the protections that are established for protecting and supporting reports of this nature.
Whistleblower disclosures can be directed to
We value your privacy. Read our Privacy Statement and Privacy Policy to learn how we collect, use, and protect your information
The policy establishes our commitment and expectations for protecting the safety of the Breast Cancer Network Australia (BCNA) network, as well as implementing suitable actions and controls for maintaining safety. This policy is also aimed at minimising risk, cost, and reputational damage to BCNA whilst fulfilling our duty of care.
This policy lays out the principles and practice of BCNA's involvement with relevant pharmaceutical and biomedical companies, and recognises the Medicines Australia Code of Conduct, the Consumers’ Health Forum of Australia and Medicines Australia Working Together Guide.
Download BCNA's Working with Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Companies policy
This policy outlines BCNA's approach to engaging with local, state, and territory as well as federal governments, political parties, and politicians, and their representatives. Our aim is to support the achievement of our goals and contribute to improving access to the best information, treatment, care, and support for people affected by breast cancer.
Download BCNA's Government Relations Policy
This document outlines the terms and conditions for the BCNA Supporter Survey Incentive, which offers participants a chance to win a prize by completing the survey. It covers eligibility requirements, entry details, prize information, and how the winner will be notified. Additionally, it explains privacy considerations and the promoter's liability. By reading this document, participants will understand the rules governing the promotion and what is required to take part.
Download the BCNA Supporter Survey Incentive Terms & Conditions